Living with a stranger

If you are looking for a roommate at, you might get a lot of response. You have to make choices and you will also learn a lot about yourself. You will discover what you find important in sharing a living space and where your privacy limits lie. Suddenly you have to think about things you have never thought about ...

Pink glasses

You have met a lot of people on and with one you have a very good feeling, and that is mutual, and you want to look for suitable accommodation together. A very nice adventure of course, but how well do you know each other? Everything is fun and cozy. But actually you are still virtually strangers to each other.


What about your privacy when you live together? Maybe you shared a room or house with your family in your student days, or maybe you have stayed in a hostel while hitchhiking. Maybe you can compare it a bit with that. With one big difference; you determine the rules yourself. Speak well with each other here. You can then mainly think about topics that determine whether you feel at home anywhere. Some examples:
  • My own bedroom is my space, you cannot come inhere.
  • We ensure that we are dressed in the common areas.
  • My stuff in the fridge and pantry are mine, you can only use this if you have requested me in advance.
  • If you or I have a visit, where do we sit?
There are many more examples to come up with. This is what I mean by that you will discover a lot about yourself. The privacy limits will lie elsewhere for everyone.

Give and take

If you are clear about what you expect from your roommate and vice versa, you can easily share a house with a stranger. It will always be giving and taking. Just like the whole life is. Also keep in mind that it is also a very nice way to build up a completely new social network. And if it does not work as well as you want? We advise to conclude a lease for a year. That is always manageable.
What are you waiting for? There is a world open to you.
